Sunday, March 07, 2010

"Link popularity" generate guaranteed hits

Link popularity measures the total number of web pages that links to your website. It is important because search engines' ranking criteria gives some weight to the number and quality of inbound links that a website receives. Quality of inbound links are more important than quantity because by quality inbound links we mean links from high traffic websites.

There are countless online promotion strategies you should take into consideration in order for you to promote your website and generate guaranteed hits. Although there is huge competition in the online world, this does not necessarily mean that you can no longer stand out and create a whole deal of difference when it comes to your online business or website.

There are countless online promotion strategies you can take on in order for you to make your website a true success and some of these strategies could not only help boost your site's visitors but could also help you become every person's ultimate source when it comes to searching for information and things like that.

First thing that you can do is to promote your website in itself. Think of what type of website you want to create and for who you want to create it for. It is important for you to take note of your actual purpose for coming up with your own website. Is it a personal type of website where you will be providing content about a particular topic or is your website a business that will sell services and products to your prospective customers?


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Anonymous said...

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